What does a Death Doula do?

Death Doula’s can go by different names like doulas, navigators, companions, planners, etc. and we all come from varied backgrounds and experience,. but at its simplest level this is what Death Doulas do:

We work in the gaps not covered by the medical, legal, hospice, and funeral teams, providing planning and support through the transitions between each of these teams to provide coordination and communication so your needs are met.

We provide education and support through practical, emotional, and spiritual care for you and your support circle.

We help you navigate through the many end-of-life decisions to be made, all the way through the process from terminal diagnosis to after death.

We provide advocacy for you and your needs once those decisions have been made with your support circle and your care team.

Handle coordination between between family, caregivers, and your care team so that everyone has the same playbook and is on the same page. No guessing, no doubting.

I centred my business around this and the principles of

Clarity and Grace

What Clarity and Grace mean to me


-noun- The quality of being easily understood. Expressed, remembered and understood in an exact way.

How Clarity informs what I do:

There is so much information and decisions involved in the end of life process that clarity often gets lost amidst all the balls in the air. Clarity can cut through so much and make your path clear. At every point in working with me, I will be transparent in everything I do. I will help you to get clear on what you want and how you want it. I will answer clearly and if I don’t know something, I will tell you and then find that answer for you.


-noun- The quality or state of being considerate or thoughtful.

How Grace informs what I do:

Giving GRACE

G - Grief is Normal and healthy

R - Respect for the process and the wishes those undertaking it. 

A - Acknowledging the end of life process is not a straight line. 

C - Compassion for those undertaking the journey. 

E - Empowering you to set the pace and make decisions on how you want the process to unfold. 

Being thoughtful comes naturally to me. In workshops, I’m always reminding people to give themselves and others grace. I bring that into my practice to help you give and get grace in this process.

Getting GRACE

G - Grief is not just for those that survive you. 

R - Respecting your wishes and advocating for them. 

A - Acknowledging the end of life process is not a straight line and helping you plan for that. 

C - Compassion for for yourself and those on the journey with you. 

E - Empowering yourself make decisions on how you want the process to unfold. 

Get started with Clarity + Grace

Start with a complimentary 45 minute consultation to get an overview of where you are, what is needed, and how I work.

Have questions?

Let’s chat.